Friday, February 25, 2011

Foundation Work Continues

During the past week, work crews have been busy working on the the elevator pit. The Green House Residences will be the second urban Green House project, with a total of four floors and a lower level. Each floor will be a self-contained residence for 12 elders and their own team of Shahbazim (specially training universal care workers who are responsible for personal care and managing the household).

Yesterday, construction crews continued to pour concrete for the foundation and started pouring the base of the elevator shaft.

Friday, February 18, 2011

Pouring the Foundation

Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Seeding the Fundarising Campaign

The Leadership Committee, led by Karenthia Barber, is organizing the public phase of GEDCO's fundraising campaign for the Green House Residences at Stadium Place. We have raised $9.2 million of our $13.2 million goal, to complete construction of the building, retire the long-term debt, and build a benevolence fund and capital reserve.

The committee met last night to plan their outreach to different communities. Each person on the committee will lead the effort for a different community, such as universities, building professionals, lawyers, etc. We want to share the Green House story with as many different groups as possible. Please let us know how you will help to spread the word about the first Green House project in Maryland.

Friday, February 4, 2011

Digging the Hole

Neither rain nor sleet nor snow can slow our construction progress (we hope). Despite the icy weather the past week, excavation work has continued at Stadium Place. Since there were two stadia on this site (Memorial Stadium and a previous stadium built in 1922), we are finding debris, concrete and water pipes, as well as bottles from the Baltimore Brewing Company.

During this Super Bowl weekend, we remember the many Baltimore Colts who played in Memorial Stadium, and look forward to providing a new model of long-term care for those players who need skilled nursing care.